Sunday, October 04, 2009

ACL Festival 2009, Day 2


For Day 2 at ACL, the rains came... and they came all day long. Not enough to cancel shows, mind you. But enough to make everything a muddy soup. The crowds, however, were still large, so Austin gets an A+ for being hardcore. Here are some of the best things I saw on Saturday.

Airborne Toxic Event

Bon Iver - perfect mood for a rainy day

Bell X1

Neal, Ethan and Kelly enjoying Bell X1

Alberta Cross

Shelley and Brent just before the rains came for John Vanderslice

John Vanderslice was my favorite of the day. Didn't mind at all that I was standing in pouring rain and mud while he was playing. Amazing songs, great voice... band was so good.

Alberta Cross

Bell X1

Bon Iver - So I wasn't in a great spot, could hardly see for the umbrellas and camera guy, but I love this song.


John Vanderslice

The Scabs - always great. Bob Schneider is a talented dude!

1 comment:

anna said...

I'm so glad you liked John Vanderslice! I saw him with the Mountain Goats here in D.C. several months ago. Good stuff.