Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wilco - Stubbs - 2nd Night 5/12/08

Another amazing show. My favorite additions to the set were Box Full of Letters, California Stars (accompanied by members of opening band Retribution Gospel), and Monday.

Tweedy was less complimentary to the audience tonight, but only tongue-in-cheek. He started out by saying that the people who didn't come the night before were smarter than those who did, then he switched it around realizing he just pissed off his hardcore fans, then ended up by saying that everyone was dumb.

He also commented that they had stayed at the same hotel as Karl Rove. "I haven't been that close to evil in a while."

My Wilco withdrawal is beginning. But, my week of music continues. I must find something for tonight, Wed night will be local acts at Quacks, Neal Mehta, Brent Adair, and Sarah Sharp.

Box Full of Letters


Shot in the Arm

Jesus, etc.

I'm the Man Who Loves You

1 comment:

Dee said...

amazing show. though i felt like i was the only loser who hadn't seen wilco at least 3 times in their life.