Let's just chalk this up to one of the craziest things I've ever done. Late last year, when Evan Dando and Juliana Hatfield started playing shows together, I would have given anything to see them. But it was a bad time, couldn't get away. When they announced new shows in January, I had to find a way to get to one. I decided on a one-night-only trip to NYC to catch their set at the Bell House in Brooklyn. They are really two of my favorite artists, been following since the early '90s. I've seen each a few times, but never together. A couple decades ago, they were the hot, indie couple, an alterna-version of Kurt (Cobain) and Courtney (Love). It was one of the most delightful things I've seen. The acoustic duo was relaxed and playful, but not corny. It was like watching a couple of friends playing guitar at their house. These two have known each other for decades, have been through a lot, and there's something really nice about seeing people who have managed to weather the storm and still end up friends. I hope this collaboration continues. I want to see them again.
Lady Lamb the Beekeeper opened. She was a good accompanying act, rockin' on the solo electric guitar.
It was totally worth the crazy, hectic, freezing cold, quick trip! My life is complete ;-) Enjoy the multitude of video I shot!