In what is probably some of the best news to hit the Austin music scene this year, my favorite radio station of all time, WOXY has relocated here to the live music capital. I listened to WOXY during my days in Dayton, OH in the early '90s, and it was really the most redeeming thing that came out of those six lost years. Everything I know and love about music came from my exposure to what was then called 97X. Since then, they have moved to a completely online station, with both live and vintage streams. There is so much potential for them to do good things and integrate into our great music scene here in Austin. Pictured above are just a few of the fine folks that will be rockin' your butts off with the best in modern and indie music. Follow @WOXY on Twitter to keep up with news and announcements associated with their transition.
WOXY started things off with just the right pitch by having a Texas BBQ at one of the hippest venues in east Austin, the Scoot Inn. Below are some pics and video, definitely a taste of what's yet to come with this perfect marriage of WOXY and Austin!

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