Football season is upon us and the most fun part of that is this concept of tailgate parties. UT really knows how to do it up, with professional tailgaters bringing in grills and smokers and having live music all around the stadium. This party was on the periphery of campus at the Drungo Ice House on 29th St. My good friends in Flat Stanley charmed the crowd with their fantastic covers, everything from Mellencamp and the Stones to Cracker. A good time was had by all ages (0-infinity). Check out the guest drummer in the clip below!

Football season is upon us and the most fun part of that is this concept of tailgate parties. UT really knows how to do it up, with professional tailgaters bringing in grills and smokers and having live music all around the stadium. This party was on the periphery of campus at the Drungo Ice House on 29th St. My good friends in Flat Stanley charmed the crowd with their fantastic covers, everything from Mellencamp and the Stones to Cracker. A good time was had by all ages (0-infinity).
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